
High-quality cleaning services for more than 40 years

Commercial Cleaning for Covid

There are many ways for us to do our part to reduce the chances of becoming infected with COVID especially in the workplace. We have been provided with government guidelines that we should all be adhering to. For example, social distancing, thoroughly washing our hands, and wearing a mask as much as possible.

However it is inevitable that team members will touch office furniture surfaces numerous times during the day. The general upkeep of work environment hygiene can be hard to maintain even before the pandemic!

With many of us heading back to our workplaces, it is in our interest to ensure that the working environment is safe in order for the employees to perform their best. Alleviating some of the anxiety in becoming contaminated from being around colleagues is vital.

Commercial Cleaning for COVID is now more important than ever. AIM Cleaning has a covid-19 cleaning checklist for businesses. We are already implementing innovative ways for commercial cleaning so that workplaces are thoroughly sanitised for the safety of our customers. 


What is considered commercial cleaning? 

Commercial cleaning is the practice of providing cleaning for businesses. This applies for different industries such as workshops that require COSHH cleaning to the standard high-rise offices. 


Here are our tips for better commercial cleaning for COVID:


Handwashing facilities

A regular reminder around the workplace to get employees to wash their hands is good practice. Raising awareness to do this and providing a clear instruction in the right methods to wash hands will help reduce the contamination of COVID. Sufficient handwashing facilities is the priority, but if this cannot be easily implemented, hand sanitisers will be an effective alternative. 

Cleaning the workplaces

Regularly wiping the small areas such as doorknobs, rails, dispensers, machine controls, and elevator panels can be easily forgotten. However, these are the surfaces that are frequently used daily which are most risky. 


Prevent using bins that require users to have to touch them. Where possible, use open-topped bins for waste that will not spoil, or use foot-operated pedal bins. They must be frequently emptied for good hygiene practices. Soap, disposable towels, and hand dryer to be provided. All surfaces, large or small should be wiped frequently. Office bathrooms, especially for co-working spaces, could benefit with deep commercial cleaning. 

Vehicle Clean

Cleaning vehicles are a little more fiddly to clean due to the many commonly touched areas. For example, stereo/touchscreen, handbrake/gearstick, keys/fob, and steering wheel. Where commercial vehicles are used, ensure that good hygiene practice is applied before and after use. Providing a hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes in the vehicle is also recommended. 


Speak with your team members so that they are fully informed of the best practices. If you have not yet provided the company's best practice for keeping safe during the pandemic, there is plenty of literature from official bodies that are easily accessible through the internet. Having a clear and visible commercial cleaning regime for COVID will help your staff get into a safe routine. 


Commercial cleaning is paramount for the safety of employees. 

Here at AIM Cleaning, we use cutting edge technology to continually improve our cleaning methods. This includes and is not limited to the use of cobotics which are technology-driven vacuums, non-chemical cleaning, high-level cleaning and many more. We are also environmentally conscious, such that we will only use products that are 100% safe and not toxic. We take the time to truly understand your cleaning needs. Formed in 1979, we have a team of over 1000 dedicated cleaners to cater for all kinds of work premises. We create bespoke cleaning packages that will keep your working environment smarter, greener and cleaner.  

If you would like a commercial cleaning company to provide you with the right cleaning services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with AIM Cleaning.

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