Covid-19 Update

Securing workplaces in a Pandemic

Working in the cleaning industry for more than 40 years we thought we had seen or experienced pretty much everything, then the world was hit by an unknown virus leading to a global pandemic.

Covid-19 like most viruses is commonly spread through poor surface hygiene, airborne and physical person to person transmission. To protect ourselves, as individuals the key message that we can all easily remember is… Hands, Face, Space. As employers we are adopting a similar strategy where workplace procedures are being adapted and supported with clear communication to ensure that this message filters down and becomes second nature to our teams.

As a business, when considering how to deal with surface hygiene, the most important message that we can share is that your cleaning provider should be reviewing your operation with you at each step. Every business has a unique environment with its own risks, procedures and requirements, A bespoke cleaning program will deliver and maintain the highest hygiene standards for tomorrow and beyond.

In a Pandemic situation we often find that we shift towards the reactive mind state, trying to fight the problem after contamination. This can be dealt with through deep cleans that may include ‘Spraying’ or ‘Fogging’ of premises, and whilst this is a very effective and efficient way to disinfect large and difficult to reach areas with minimal downtime, the effectiveness of any process is significantly reduced if the premises has not been first cleaned and sanitised.

Before investing, ask yourself is this right for our business? Has my provider given me several options and costs? Have they explained the effectiveness and benefits of each?

To be most effective, any deep/sanitising/disinfection clean, MUST be preceded with a physical clean.

When creating an effective program your provider must start right back with the basics, with a robust daily cleaning program. This is the first line of defence and is a critical proactive measure in the fight. If you start with a well-designed daily cleaning program, that allows additional time for sanitising or even disinfecting, this will not only reduce the likelihood of a outbreak, but should one occur, it will most definitely reduce the rate of contamination.

Any well-crafted cleaning program must be supported with the right tools. Traditional bactericidal cleaning agents need to be replaced with cleaning agents that are virucidal and that meet the EN 14476 standard as a minimum. Environmentally conscious options include chemical free technology that utilises aqueous ozone to help protect the workplace is also available to supplement any program. Smart innovations like Robotic vacuums allows operatives more time to focus on sanitising whilst reducing the risk of having multiple operatives working together in confined spaces, plus they are safe to operate during day time cleaning - Watch our 'Cleaning with Robotics' video here!

Whilst dealing with Covid-19 is here for the longer term and can be very stressful for businesses and building owners alike, we recently produced a Rebound Plan which is full of useful advice and ideas designed to help make planning your return a little easier and we would like to share this resource with you without obligation. We are after all, in this together, so please get in touch and we would be happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Covid-19 Product Range Covid-19 Rebound Plan